A downloadable game

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Vanilla Conquer is a fully portable version of the first generation C&C engine and is capable of running both Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert on multiple platforms. Command & Conquer: Red Alert is a real-time strategy video game in the Command & Conquer franchise, produced by Westwood Studios and released by Virgin Interactive Entertainment in 1996. The second game to bear the Command & Conquer title, Red Alert is the prequel to the original Command & Conquer of 1995 and takes place in the alternate early history of Command & Conquer when Allied Forces battle an aggressive Soviet Union for control over the European mainland.

*** Requirements ***

This port is targeted for Amigas equipped with PiStorm/Emu68, Apollo/Vampire V4 accelerators and Warp1260.  AHI and RTG installed. About 48MB of RAM. 

IMPORTANT! Difficulty modes sets different game speed which is bugged.
Use Normal game difficulty.

*** Changelog ***


- Fixed corrupted gfx in LoRes mode

- Unpacked Redalert.mix for faster loading


- Added  no SDL CGX/AGA version


- Fixed recoverable alert at exit

- Full scrolling with keyboard arrow keys


- Fixed no audio in movies.


- Converted movies to cinepak avi with better audio quality and much less CPU usage.
- Moovid player used instead of FroggerNG (60% vs 3% CPU usage)
- Slower map scrolling with mouse. Press right mouse button for double speed.


Repacked with zip as lha might not like big files archived


- Fixed Hotkeys (eg. creating groups of units)
- Converted movies to mpeg1
- Fixed idling enemy harvester
- Updated sources (June 2024

*AGA version will be uploaded later


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

VanillaRA-1.7.3.zip 1.4 MB
VanillaConquer-RedAlert-1.7.3.zip 469 MB


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Good work,  got it working on A4000 with BFG9060 and ZZ9000.  It's a bit stuttery, but it works!  Haven't got it working on A1200 with Blizzard 1260 yet.  It complains about cybergraphx.library not being present.  Does it need this library regardless of the fact my A1200 is AGA only?

Yes, cybergraphx.library function is used so it's required.

Okay, so on my A1200, I have tried CGX v4 (full install from the original CD). I've tried V3 from aminet, I've also tried the CGX install from the both the OS3.5 and 3.9 CDs, and no dice.  Always the same cannot find cybergraphics.library v37.  None of them show as v37 - all show as v4x.xx etc.  They are all called cgxsystem.library.  Can you tell me the exact file I need and where I can locate it, as I'm clearly doing something wrong?

I've never installed CGX drivers  only Picasso96, try that.

You are GOD Sir ! I play it up and down. love for this port ! Hey can i reach you somehow ? i want so much to port games to 68k but i need advice for what to look. i got sourcecode for shogo, sin, tombraider many games... frank herberts dune (phyton). i just dont know what to do ? compile it how? shogo was on lihttech engine ...like blood and later no one lives forever. please we need to make ARM 68k Amiga as a future light, to join, have fun, play games.

I'm glad to hear that you like my ports. :)

To compile a game source code you need a C/C++ compiler  https://franke.ms/Downloads.wiki

Thanks , do you think this could compile in Amiga https://voidpoint.io/terminx/eduke32/-/tree/master/source/duke3d/src?ref_type=he... ?

Eduke32 has already been ported by Novacoder, look on aminet.

OK i Download Postal sourcecode and all Files Work compile only Main and Game Error. Now some people say the Mainproblem are depencies and Not the compile. 

Cant find 68k Version only morphos ?

(1 edit)

No 68k version but possible. Postal uses SDL2, you need to replace SDL2 code with SDL1.2.

Hello. I would really like to play this game. But my RTG config is broken, and each time I try to run the game, it says illegal instruction. Does this game work on WB 3.0? Could you send me a winuae config maybe, at lifeschool22@gmail.com.  Thanks.

It's ok, I got someone to send me a working Picasso IV RTG boot hdf. Works like a charm, although AmigaLive reports the key shortcuts are broken in the non CGX version?

Which shortcuts? Making unit groups with ctrl + 1/2/3 etc.? Definitely works, just tested.


indeed, I had a really old version (v1.3)
tested now v1.7.3 and grouping and the arrows for scrolling also work!! good job!

Great progress! The FMV works fine now alongside working keyboard shortcuts. Thanks! Does mutiplayer play work?

I have never tried multiplayer mode so can't tell. 

There have been endian fixes to network code so maybe it works.

Hi, when I play the game in easy mode, the units are extremely slow. 

When I play in normal mode, the units move at normal speed.

I am using a PiStorm32 for my Amiga1200 with version 1.5 of VanillaConquerRA. 


That is known bug. Difficulty modes are just different game speed which is bugged.

(1 edit)

FroggerNG.68k crash on pistorm. downloadable skirmish maps work but the file extension must be in upper case to be detected, you can place them in the User folder

What OS ? Never had problem with Frogger on Pistorm on my side. As alternative you can use Riva. See player.ini file.

(1 edit)

3.2.2 froggerNG plays but crashes at the end

ive enabled riva to get me going but no videos now odd as i have riva as the default mpg player and i can play the mpg files by double-clicking them,

initially, the game would crash after 30 seconds on a map using Paula fast 8 bit stereo++ on unit 0  changing this to DMA 8 bit stereo allowed me to play i had a good 2h skirmish

both on pistorm classic with pi4 and pistorm32 pi3

apart from my movie issue ive been having a lot of fun with this Thank you so much even with the nerple downloaded Skermish maps, awesome job

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Converted movies to avi cinepak format and moovid is used now. Please try v1.6.

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movies now play but no audio, scroll seems a little too slow now, tested 1.6.1 fixes moves

found the cause of froggerNG crashing on this and other titles, AUTOEXIT switch with old frog.library in libs
